Codec Switch (TEMPEST Level A & RÖS U1)

Codec Switch U1/LA is certified for both TEMPEST Level A and RÖS U1 for protection against intercepting signals and is designed to be part of Fibersystems’ TEMPEST Level A and RÖS U1 approved video conferencing systems.

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Product Description

Codec Switch is certified for both TEMPEST Level A and RÖS U1 for protection against roaming signals and is intended to be part of Fibersystems’ TEMPEST Level A and RÖS U1 approved video conferencing systems.

A conference system certified for both TEMPEST Level A and RÖS U1 can consist of different presentation sources and presentation areas such as:
VTC Cisco 55″ TEMPEST Level A and RÖS U1, VTC 55″ Monitor TEMPEST Level A and RÖS U1, Projector TEMPEST Level A and RÖS U1, Workstation B12 TEMPEST Level A and RÖS U1 and open clients that need to work together.

The purpose of the Codec Switch is to enable the connection of a set of common VTC peripherals, i.e.:
VTC Cisco 55″ excl. codec TEMPEST Level A and RÖS U1
VTC Audio Unit TEMPEST Level A and RÖS U1
VTC Controller TEMPEST Level A and RÖS U1 against up to 4 external codec units
Microphone VTC TEMPEST Level A and RÖS U1

It is also possible to connect additional devices, such as Document Camera, an additional secondary screen and external control system such as Secure Key Switch.

Safety-enhancing features

  • TEMPEST Level A SDIP-27
  • Roto-Seal sealed connection for software update
  • RÖS sealed cabinet
  • All interfaces are fiber optic to prevent clearing signals
Product no: 60-00-7829 Product area:

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