The number of cyber attacks against Sweden’s large companies is expected to rise further this year, according to a survey by the PWC. “We clearly see that safety is not up to date to technology development,” says expert Jakob Bundgaard.
In 2018, 49 %, of 100 large companies in Sweden were affected by cyber attacks.
This is a marginal increase from last year, according to a survey from the audit firm PWC, which Di Digital has taken note of.
65 percent of the companies fear that the attacks on their own organization will increase even more this year.
The companies included in the survey are anonymous, but have annual sales of at least SEK 1 billion.
“We clearly see that safety is not up to date to technology development. It is about time that we wake up, we have been too naive in Sweden, ”says Jakob Bundgaard, security officer at PWC in Sweden.
At the same time, the cyberhoot becomes increasingly complex and affects all types of operations, he claims, and gives some examples of threats.
“State-financed national states that want to influence society in some direction, or actors who want to access money or sensitive information.”
“Another threat is cyber terrorism when you want to influence socially important activities such as water and electricity supply. It can also be about means of transport such as flights and train traffic. ”
As many as 81 percent of company executives who stated in the survey believe that new technology, such as robotics and automation, increases the risk of cyber attacks.
As a result of technology collaborations and subcontractors, so-called third-party risks arise for the major companies. Here, too, there is concern that exposed to cyber attacks, 48 replied that the risks increased last year.
Jakob Bundgaard notes that in other countries, including in our Nordic neighboring countries and England, education has come further.
The survey also shows that the majority of company managers want politicians to take greater responsibility and take the threats seriously. They propose that cyber security should be included in primary and secondary schools.
“As many as 76 percent believe that Swedish politicians do not take cybersecurity as a social challenge seriously enough at present. In our neighboring countries, more money is allocated to work more preventively with cyber security, ”says Jakob Bundgaard.
Increased co-operation between the private sector and the public is, according to Jakob Bundgaard, necessary to reverse the downward spiral.
“The question of cyber security should be included in the daily business and not be an isolated IT issue. These discussions need to be a standing item on the agenda in both management teams and boards, ”says Jakob Bundgaard.
Source, Di Digital Camilla Pålsson, Sunday May 5, 2019)